Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Books I read and found useful in 2009

This is an incomplete list of books I read and found useful in 2009.
Sticky Church by Larry Osborne 
It is about small group philosophy and how they used sermon based small groups to pastor and disciple their congregation.
Less Clutter, Less Noise by Kem Meyer 
Kem explores the issues of communications in the church and how to better simplify and streamline the messages we send.  
Just A Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels
We actually did a six week campaign based on this book (though we didn't use the "official" campaign material to accompany it).  It is a good reminder of the importance of evangelism on the individual, not just the church, level.
Axiom by Bill Hybels
A book of individual leadership axioms that is a great resource when you need a short leadership oriented piece for training or working with leaders.  
Organic Community by Stephen Meyer 
This one is about organizing church around organic principles.  I like the big idea of it, though I think Stephen may push the details a bit.  Some of the "organic" things we have tried have worked well, and some have flopped.  
Church is a Team Sport by Jim Putnam 
I am not finished with this one about organizing church around discipleship/coaching model.  I first met Jim at Group's LifeServe conference in Loveland, CO back in October.  The story of their church growing from a church plant to 8,000 in Idaho is amazing.  What is more amazing is their strong call to discipleship and their ability to resist the "bigger and better" mindset that plagues american churches.  Real Life Ministries
FOCUS - the third book in the REVEAL series by Willow Creek 
It is about catalyzing spiritual growth in individuals through the church.  Still working through this one, but the other two books are vital for anyone who thinks about how to grow people spiritually.
Jason Cooper (@cooperjason)
Cooper-ation Ministry Resourcing
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