Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Redistribution of candy...

I don’t intend this to become a political blog, but I really enjoyed this cartoon…credit goes to cartoonist Gary McCoy ( or

Jason Cooper

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

REVEAL interview notes

Here are some more notes from the interviews at the conference…again, more commonalities of the top churches…


Three Practices of these churches (top 15)

1.      Make the destination clear.

2.      Make the spiritual ‘on ramp’ non-negotiable.

a.      The greater the expectation, the higher the commitment

3.      The senior pastor is involved, and the champion of the process.


How to embed the Bible in everything you do.

1.      Don’t shy away from expository preaching/teaching. (exegesis)

2.      Take away the excuses.

a.      10/10 covenant:

                                                              i.      read the bible for 10 minutes,

                                                            ii.      pray 10 minutes a day,

                                                          iii.      connect with 10 people in a small group,

                                                           iv.      pray for 10 people to accept Christ.

b.      Include a bible lesson in every ministry activity.

c.       Do things with email, web for getting people into the word.

d.      Don’t make scripture something only “pastors” can “do”

3.      Model scripture as the church’s foundation.



Jason Cooper


REVEAL notes...

Notes from Greg Hawkins concerning the commonalities between the highest scoring churches…


4 Things We found about these top churches:

1.      They get their people moving.  They are focused on making disciples of Jesus.  They get them moving early, create a clear path of next steps.  They offer a plated meal instead of a buffet.  New people are given one clear next step.


2.      They embed the bible in everything and in everyone.  They make it pervasive.  Clearly teach the bible, usually expository.  Start with scripture in order to help people make the application on their own.  They make it accessible through classes, email, online, etc.


3.      They create ownership.  They emphasize that everyone has a role in the body.  Not just belonging, but identifying with the church.  They train them to lead and disciple.  They hold them accountable.


4.      They pastor the local community, not just the church.  Aggressively understanding the needs of the community and working to meet those needs.  Create high expectations for their people in serving the community.  They form partnerships with other churches/organizations.  They are intentional in making serving a platform for sharing the gospel.


5.      (bonus) the following churches, they all have leaders consumed with making disciples and modeling it




Jason Cooper


Notes from REVEAL...

Greg Hawkins - notes


Top 5 discoveries as the survey expanded to other congregations (much of this is highlighted in the book Follow Me).

1.      Reading and reflecting on scripture is the most powerful catalyst for personal spiritual growth.

2.      Developing core Christian beliefs is crucial for those in the early stages.

3.      Personal spiritual practices are the building blocks for spiritual growth.

4.      Serving is the most catalytic experience offered by churches.  Especially serving those in need, outside the church, on your own.  There is a continuum from church offered experiences to serving on one’s own.

5.      Spiritual community is vital, but it migrates from organized to organic.


What did people want from the church?  Top 5

1.      Help me understand the bible in greater depth.

2.      Help me develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

3.      Provide strong programs for children.

4.      Challenge me to grow and take next steps.

5.      Provide compelling worship services.



Jason Cooper


Notes from REVEAL...

A couple notes from this morning's session...
Key factors for spiritual growth through the four stages...
1. Personal engagement with the bible
2. Biblical community

The toughest chasm in growing from segment to segment is the last jump...from close to Christ to Christ centered.
More later...

Jason Cooper

Monday, October 13, 2008

at the REVEAL conference...

Well…it’s October 13th and I just flew into Chicago, got my rental, drove to my hotel, grabbed dinner at Chipotle (yum!) and am getting ready to head to Willow Creek tomorrow for the REVEAL conference.  I look forward to gaining some good insights and ideas on helping the church do a better job of discipleship.

I will hopefully be able to post a few comments over the next two days.


Jason Cooper