Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wunderlist is an amazing, free task management app!

I just ran across Wunderlist last night and decided to check it out. 

I signed up for the web app to get started. Let me just say that I was pleasantly surprised and pleased. It is a beautifully simple task management application. And it is FREE!

Not only that, but it comes not only as a web app (accessible from any browser on any computer) but also as an iPad/iPhone and Android mobile version, as well as Windows and Mac OSX desktop versions.  And, of course, they all sync with each other!

Now I have been a Things user for about 2 years now, and have to say while I like the power of Things, I often feel it is more complicated than it needs to be. Don't get me wrong, it is a great application, with more capabilities than Wunderlist, but it also cost $50 for the desktop app, $10 for the iPhone version.

Here are some similarities of the two applications:

  1. Both apps sync. Things syncs over wifi when both applications (mobile and desktop) are running on the same network. Wunderlist syncs to the cloud. New items are retrieved on startup.
  2. Both apps allow easy organization. Things lets you create either "projects" or "areas of responsibility" for organizing tasks. And a project can stand alone, or be under and "area."  Wunderlist lets you create multiple "lists" (like "areas" in Things).
  3. Both use an "inbox" methodology for creating tasks.
  4. Both have desktop/mobile versions.

Advantages of Things:

  1. Advanced tagging features.
  2. More ways to groups/organize tasks (projects, areas of responsibility, due date, etc.)

Advantages of Wunderlist:

  1. Cloud syncing.
  2. Free desktop client.
  3. Free web app.
  4. Free mobile client.
  5. Simpler for more basic management.
  6. Multiple background image options.
  7. Push or email notifications (mobile version).
  8. Create lists & tasks via a simple email.

Wunderlist also lets you "share" lists, but I have not had a chance to test that functionality.

Here is a screen shot of Wunderlist. Isn't it pretty?


Jason Cooper (@cooperjason)
Cooper-ation Ministry Resourcing
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