There is an excellent article to consider on small group ministry at I don't know that anyone would agree with everything the author says, but it forces the discussion on the real effectiveness, and ultimately the purpose, of small group ministry in churches today.
My summary is that he is struggling with the tension of "church growth" verses "individual growth". Most small group ministries come from a church growth mindset - that the purpose is to connect people with the church so that the church can grow. Small groups have proven to do that well.
But many today have been told that these same small group ministries are there to help them grow. And when the overall conclusion is that the average small group ministry does NOT correlate to growth in any substantial way, there are frustrations.
However, small group ministries that are developed out of an individual growth mindset (i.e., discipleship) can do a good job of helping people truly grow in a substantial way. What matters is not "if" the church has small groups, but "what" happens in those small groups.
I have been a part of both kinds of groups. My wife and I were part of a wonderful small group a few years back. We loved the people. We had great fellowship and discussions. We looked forward to our small group time each week. But even in the midst of that, and especially looking back on the group, we can't really say that it helped us grow in any substantial way. Sure, we built some great friendships, and really enjoyed our time, but did it really help us grow?
On the other hand, we have been a part of groups with a clear discipleship focus. We had the same feelings about the group - loved the people, had great fellowship and discussions, looked forward to each week, but we ALSO felt like the group helped us grow - in substantial and identifiable ways. For now let me add that is was NOT a "Bible study" group - maybe I'll write more about what I mean by that later...
Read the article for yourself:
Posted via email from Cooper-ation | resourcing for ministry
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