Thursday, September 2, 2010 - A Great Tool for Organizations

As someone who manages multiple Twitter accounts and a couple Facebook pages, I have tried out several tools that are supposed to help make it easier.  Most have been pretty good - in that they let you post to multiple locations with one click.  Nice!

I was recently introduced to  Hootsuite allows you to manage multiple social networks through one, online application.  Here is a list of the built in networks.  

In addition, you can setup columns to monitor searches, twitter hashtags, mentions, etc.  Pretty handy.

Here is what I LOVE about Hootsuite - you can schedule your updates!  I can plan out a whole weeks worth of posts and sit down at the first of the week and schedule them all in hootsuite.  How sweet is that!  Can't do that with any desktop app I know...

THE DOWN SIDE - It appears that you cannot post an image to a Facebook page without also posting it to a Twitter account.  And when you do, the image doesn't show on the FB page, just the link...  This is bad since our audience is primarily made of FB fans, not Twitter followers.  We often use graphics to add a little "attention" to our FB page updates - just can't to it in hootsuite.  Oh well.  

I will continue to use though to schedule what I can.

What FB/Twitter applications do you use that allow scheduling?  How do they compare?

Jason Cooper (@cooperjason)
Cooper-ation Ministry Resourcing
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