Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Successful Ministry...sharing a resource

Here is a great tidbit from a blog that I follow from Lifechurch.tv…they have some great, brief blog entries that are very practical.

Jason Cooper

December 9th, 2008

by Craig Groeschel

Successful Ministry - 2

Do the Small Things Daily

When working with pastors, many are often looking for a “big win.” They want to have a big community event, a big servants’ banquet, or a big series that runs attendance higher.

While all these can be effective, I encourage consistency in the small things daily.

I’ll compare it to football. Most championship teams win games on many four-yard, six-yard, and eleven-yard gains. They might win one game a season on a last second hail-Mary pass, but most games consistently succeeding at the basics.

The same is true in ministry. Successful ministries are built on Christ by leaders who do the small things daily:

-They return calls and emails promptly.

-They show up on time.

-They pray for God’s guidance.

-They love and serve people.

-They study hard and preach passionately.

-They have a consistent and strong work ethic.

-They follow through on commitments.

You could hope for the perfect mailer, plan the killer youth event, or pray for a news story to build your church…or you could move the ball forward one play at a time doing the small things with integrity daily.

1 comment:

Drew said...

Jason- good notes, this is really true in life it's the little things, one after another that make a big difference.