Tuesday, October 14, 2008

REVEAL interview notes

Here are some more notes from the interviews at the conference…again, more commonalities of the top churches…


Three Practices of these churches (top 15)

1.      Make the destination clear.

2.      Make the spiritual ‘on ramp’ non-negotiable.

a.      The greater the expectation, the higher the commitment

3.      The senior pastor is involved, and the champion of the process.


How to embed the Bible in everything you do.

1.      Don’t shy away from expository preaching/teaching. (exegesis)

2.      Take away the excuses.

a.      10/10 covenant:

                                                              i.      read the bible for 10 minutes,

                                                            ii.      pray 10 minutes a day,

                                                          iii.      connect with 10 people in a small group,

                                                           iv.      pray for 10 people to accept Christ.

b.      Include a bible lesson in every ministry activity.

c.       Do things with email, web for getting people into the word.

d.      Don’t make scripture something only “pastors” can “do”

3.      Model scripture as the church’s foundation.



Jason Cooper


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