Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catalyst Leader app for iPhone/iPod Touch - Well Worth Downloading

There are really only a few apps on my iPod Touch that I use regularly.  Sure, there are a ton out there, and I have a bunch on my iPod Touch, but many of them are games or novelties or so task specific that I only use them sparingly.  In fact, I have gotten to the point where I have removed several apps that I don't really use - not because of lack of space, but to simplify a bit.

One app worth having is Catalyst Leader.  If you are involved in Christian leadership, then this app gives you quick access to some great resources - podcasts, videos, and articles on Christian leadership based on the well known Catalyst conferences.  I like it for redeeming some of those small moments of time by reading or listening or watching some of the content.  Check it out!

Here are a couple screen shots...

Jason Cooper (@cooperjason)
Cooper-ation Ministry Resourcing
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